Mylapore , Chennai-600004 India
+91-9600067567 Vsaravanan@cshandco.In
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RBI seen holding rates even as retail prices top inflation target.
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We nurture and cultivate a sense pride in the work.
These are following services offered by us:
Consultancy on various intricate matters pertaining to Income tax, Effective Tax Management and Advisory Services, Tax Planning for Corporates and others.
Advice on all matters related to compliance of TDS/TCS provisions. Obtaining Tax Deduction Account Number (TAN).
ncorporation of company. Consultancy on Company Law matters. Planning for Mergers, Acquisitions, De-mergers, and Corporate re-organizations.
Indepth study of existing systems, procedures and controls for proper understanding. Suggestions for improvement and strengthening.
What are we?
M/s C S HARIHARAN & CO LLP has rich exposure in diverse sectors across a wider spectrum of audit and consultancy assignments. The firm is entering its 75th year, and is bestowed with the advantage of best of both worlds of Knowledgeable young team guided by professional excellence and Wisdom from the Senior team.
M/s. C S HARIHARAN & CO was originally started in the year 1949 by Shri. C.S. HARIHARAN, initially as a sole proprietary concern and as a firm of Chartered Accountants in Practice from 01-04-1956.
Feel free to contact us any time.
3rd Floor , No:21 ,New No:35 , Dr.Radhakrishnan Salai , Mylapore , Chennai-600004